Dungeon Lever Phex3D $5.00 (4) 3D 小道具 Date Price 日期和时间 价钱($) 04/29(2018) 5.0 11/18(2024) 5.0 Jump AssetStore このアセットの説明 DUNGEON LEVER Every Dungeon needs some levers to open a closed door, release the deadly trap, and solve some puzzles. Fits in any Medieval, Fantasy, Steampunk or 1900 Settings. Lowpoly - 384 triangels only One 1024px Texture (Diffuse/Normal) 2 Animations (Lever movement) 6 different Runes to attach PSD Texture file to change the runes/symbols to your liking. UV-Mesh Layer included if you need to retexture it. Its a perfekt addition to my Dinky Dungeon Tileset. Visit www.unity-assets.com for more information about my products