This package is designed to reduce your work when you create a level based game.
It is fully customizable (you can change main background, buttons,stars rating graphics as you like).
Level System is the advanced version of Level locking/unlocking. Level System is easy to setup, requires no coding (except you want to add more features) and works with Unity 4.6+. It is written in C#.
You can:
- set what method to call after a button is selected.
- set stars to be displayed for every level.
Level System is:
A Level Selector which creates levels logic dynamically. It makes use of the new Unity UI Canvas System.
The package contains a DemoScene and 3 Level Scenes.
In this package, Data Serialization is used the more secure way than PlayerPrefs.
This package is fully optimized for Android, Web Player, Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Google Native Client and iOS platforms.