Package contains scripts, prefabs and sprites for mobile joystick controller.
It contains 4 sample scenes to show you how scripts can be configured and what can be achieved with them.
In package there are C# scripts for controlling player moving in different ways (TPP, FPP, FPS, Hack'n'Slash) and looking around - that also can be configured differently for different game modes.
Scripts are lightweight, specially designed for mobile devices. They are simplified and configuration should not take you more than 15 minutes - there is quick start explenation in readme file that will help you quickly create your favourite player joystick.
There are also 7 types sprites with different styles of joystick and buttons, like historical, fantasy, kids game, bubbles, FPS, arrow-style and grey-style.
Also package contains scripts for jumping and resetting player when falling into water, plus additionaly JavaScript scripts.