A simple and powerful asset for building an amazing VR Experience.
Cardboard Demo
Android Apk
⦁ Compatible with GoogleVR (Cardboard) and Gear VR;
⦁ Trigger or Time click based.
⦁ Teleport to the desired places, just duplicate the object and adjust its position;
⦁ Easy to customize, drag&drop based;
⦁ One gallery adapting according to your settings;
⦁ All files included (furniture, assets, etc);
⦁ Just a few well coded scripts;
⦁ Easily change the scripts;
⦁ Scalable project;
⦁ Performance ready (tested with Profiler within the device);
⦁ C# coded;
GoogleVr or GearVr SDK's needs to be downloaded before setting up your aiming device. Follow the documentation to make a clear integration.