170+ environment objects in pixel style. With ase source file for Aseprite.My artworks in GooglePhotoNeed more artwork like this? Check the links below.0 , Free demo Game1 , Pixel Character2 , Pixel Environment3 , Pixel Props4 , Pixel Vegetation5 , Pixel VehicleContent List: (sprite count)BuildingApartment_0 x12Factory x2Hospital x6House_0 x10House_1 x3House_2 x3House_3 x6Office x6Oilwell x8Stairs x6DecorationBreakable Object x24Chest x21Crystal x100Flag x96Ruin Blood x119Ruin x119Stone x57Street x96FurnitureAnimal Specimens x24Bed x12Cabinet x25Clock x12Column x14Door x12Fan x12Fireplace x11Flower x48Lamp x28Misc x14Painting x10Shelf x14Sofa x18Table Chair x33Window x12--------- ----------Twitter @Mo_EnenE-mail moenen6@gmail.com