Line Waves abDyne $10.00 (39) スクリプト エフェクト Date Price 日期和时间 价钱($) 04/06(2018) 10.0 11/17(2024) 10.0 Jump AssetStore このアセットの説明 [Example1| Example2| Example3] LineWaves offers simple and quick runtime-based rendering of LineRenderer waveforms with the following features: -2D osciloscope spectrum form; -3D spiral/tunnel form; -Warp (collapsed start/end of waveforms); -Inverted Warp (to-infite start/end of waveforms); -Randomize wave (in Warp-mode); -Walk parameters (auto and manual); -Chooseable origin of wave (side/centered | knot/crest); -Basic frequency and amplitude parameters; -Target-follow enabled; -No LineRenderer-tweaking needed; -Collision generator at runtime (box/sphere); -Gapping and resizeable colliders;