5 german explosive weapons from world war 2. Equipped with a decent amount of detail these objects will look good in any world war 2 game.
3 grenades
2 land mines
These objects are made for first person shooters and the polycount is on a standard level for current generation games. But even if you intend to use them in 3rd person games you shouldn't run into any problems.
Every texture is available in 4K which enables you to scale it down to whatever resolution you need.
Objects are not rigged , animated or have sounds!
Technical Details
Texture Size: 4096x4096
LODs: None
Stielhandgranate24 Modified: 4933
Stielhandgranate24: 1115
Eihandgranate39: 1982
Hafthohlladung: 2744
Tellermine43: 877
Naming Conventions
MAT_ = Materials
TEX_ = Textures
If you have questions contact me on
facebook.com/indiependent3d or email me.