The visual scripting solution used in Hearthstone, INSIDE, Hollow Knight, The First Tree, Observation, Dreamfall Chapters and more:
Project Showcase
Artists and Designers: Realize your creative vision without coding! Unlock the power of Unity.
Programmers: Add a powerful visual state machine editor to your toolbox. Interface with scripts or extend Playmaker with Custom Actions.
Easy To Understand
Other visual scripting tools simply expose the Unity API (written for programmers) and C# language (programming) as thousands of nodes. If you already know how to code you can probably build what you need, but it's a huge learning curve for non-programmers!
PlayMaker takes a higher level approach, offering an intuitive structure with States, Actions and Events to quickly build behaviors. This actually empowers both non-programmers and programmers to create more quickly and efficiently.
Production Ready
PlayMaker has been used in hundreds of shipped products including Hearthstone, INSIDE, Hollow Knight, The First Tree, Dreamfall Chapters, Firewatch and more. We've worked with AAA studios to solo indie developers to make sure PlayMaker meets their needs on every platform.
Other visual scripting solutions use delegates or reflection calls for every single node in the graph. Even simple behaviors need many nodes. This quickly adds up to a heavy hit on performance!
PlayMaker actions are C# scripts like any other script in your project. Calling them is quick and efficient. You also need fewer actions to do the same work as dozens of nodes in other visual scripting tools.
PlayMaker has an active user community with admins and power users online to answer your questions. The Ecosystem Browser provides easy access to a constantly growing collection of custom actions, tutorials, samples, templates etc.
Many third party assets have PlayMaker support, with easy to use Actions so you don't have to figure out APIs written for programmers.
:: PlayMaker Discord Channel
:: Build behaviors in an intuitive Graph View.
:: Drag-and-Drop Actions - no syntax errors!
:: Copy/Paste graphs and save Templates.
:: Powerful runtime debugging:
:: Watch States, Variables, and Events.
:: Pause and Rewind time with Debug Flow.
:: Extend Playmaker with Custom Actions.
:: Watch tutorials on our YouTube Channel.
:: Join an active online community.
ハースストーン、インサイド、ホロウナイト、ファーストツリー、オブザベーション、ドリームフォールチャプターなどで使用されているUnity向けの最高のビジュアルスクリプトツール:Project Showcase
アーティストとデザイナー:コーディングせずにクリエイティブなビジョンを実現しましょう! Unityの力を解き放ちます。
::NEW 2018.3以降のネストされたプレハブのサポート
::NEW 統合UIアクションとイベント。
::NEW アクション自動変換変数。
::NEW パフォーマンスの改善。
::NEW アクションのカテゴリアイコン。
::NEW お気に入りと最近のアクション。
::NEW アクション属性。
:: NGUI、2DToolkit、Photon、iTween ...
:: YouTubeチャンネルでチュートリアルをご覧ください。
注:Unityのアルファバージョンは正式にサポートされていません。 Unityのベータバージョンは可能な限りサポートするように努めていますが、互換性を最大にするために、公式のUnityリリースを使用することをお勧めします。
※ アセット説明の日本語翻訳は2020年4月27日時点の内容です。