Fred the Robot contains a nice robot character for use in your Unity games. Comes in 5 different colours (blue, green, orange, purple, and red), and contains 10 different animations.
Idle_01, Idle_02, Wave, HitFront, HitBack, SpinAttack, SpinArmsAttack, HeadSpin, WakeUp, Walk.
This asset is created with a PBR Workflow and the 5 materials for each robot colour uses an Albedo, Normal, Metallic/Roughness, and Ambient Occlusion map. Also included is an emission map for allowing the eyes and center circle of the robot to glow. All textures are submitted with a resolution of 4096x4096.
A scene in maya is also included with full controls that has been tested to function properly in Maya 2017 and Maya 2017 LT. Additionally the skinned mesh and bones have been exported as an .fbx and .obj for use in other modelling programs.
Robot model has 8607 faces.
For any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions please contact pmurph.software@gmail.com