This package is a collection of useful and lightweight scripts, which will help speed up the level design process and allow you to create complex features in a matter of seconds.
- Easy to set up doors, which can slide or pivot (with audio!)
- A ready-made Trigger Box with drag and drop connections to everything in your scene, making it easy to set Trigger Enter, Stay and Exit functions without ever opening your code. Plus the ability to set input requirements such as key presses, mouse clicks, etc
- Moving platforms on quickly customisable node-based paths
- Spawners to allow you to spawn waves of any game object(s)
- Simple teleporters with the ability to add particle effects and sounds
- Animated lights. Just choose a preset from a list and it will pulse, flicker, imitate fire, flash like lightning, or more, and with the ability to change color
- Scripts to allow you to make your objects spin, hover, or swing back and forth
- Extensive documentation and video tutorials