Cartoon characters for 2d , 2.5d games
Web Player Demo
Include 6 demo scenes & scripts
!! Add New 1 draw call characters for mobile !!
1. sprite skins + mecanim animations
2. sprite skins + legacy animations
3. skinned mesh skins + mecanim animations
4. skinned mesh skins + legacy animations
5. mobile skins + mecanim animations
6. mobile skins + legacy animations
Character and animations are fbx files
Skin textures are png files
[Package includes]
- 6 demo scenes
- 18 demo scripts
- 48 character demo prefabs
- 8 zombie skins(sprite & texture)
- 8 melee weapon skins(sprite & texture)
- 2 shield skins
(sprite & texture)
- 2 base model
- 26 zombie animations(mecanim & legacy)
If You have any questions or suggestions,
please contact us.