You've seen endless racer games in it's various incarations flood the app store, often reaching the #1 spot. Now is
your chance to build your ownendless racer game for deployment to your favorite platform. This is the very same kit that sells live on on the iTunes App store
Try out the free demo HERE
Web Player Demo
This kit incliudes the following complete assets:
Fully Commented code wirtten in C# Complete Art Assets Player and Traffic Vehicle and controls
Project dual controls for Touch devices and as Keyboard input Game Sounds Starting and Game Menus Optimized for
Mobile devices
This kit will allow you to customize your very own Traffic Racer game with additional street pieces, more
traffic vehicles, and additional pickups. Let this kit give you a hear start to creating your own extendable
featured endless racer game. It works with Unity built-in features and does not need any 3rd party
tools to get it up and running.