This asset renderers an accurate physics prediction of moving objects using the default Unity Physics System.It can be used to freeze all rigidbodies in the scene and draw prediction frames for multiple iterations of time frames and unfreeze it again to make the Physics behave like usual. The prediction also works, while the Physics are running.The prediction features:- Ghost frames (3D object shapes, that look exactly like the object, that should be previewed, but with lower opacity)- 3D lines of the path, the object will fly alongYou can adjust multiple values, like for example the number of ghost frame iterations or the physics time step, those iterations are rendered with.It works with all kinds of meshes and collision or trigger tests, the default Physics system also uses. it can also be used with custom Physics Materials and all other physics settings.There is an example scene, to show you the usage of the few predefined functions, that are really easy to handle.