A collection containing an assortment of PBR Ready Riot Gear, Including Batons, Riotshields and Less than Lethal Grenades.
Riot Shields come with a Police and S.W.A.T Material Variant.
Includes a Unique Dirty Glass Material (Used by the Riot Shields but can be used for any glass objects)
All Textures are 4096x4096
Vertices range: 1188-13134
Props Included:
-Blackjack 1
-Blackjack 2
-Riot Shield 1(Two Variants, Police and S.W.A.T)
-Riot Shield 2(Two Variants, Police and S.W.A.T)
-Riot Shield 3(Two Variants, Police and S.W.A.T)
-Sting Grenade
-Stun Baton
-Tear Gas Grenade
-Telescopic Baton