Behavior trees are used by AAA studios to create a lifelike AI. With Opsive's Behavior Designer, you can bring the power of behaviour trees to Unity!Behavior Designer is a behaviour tree implementation designed for everyone - programmers, artists, designers.Behavior Designer offers an intuitive visual editor with a powerful API allowing you to easily create new tasks. It also includes hundreds of tasks, PlayMaker integration, and extensive third party integration making it possible tocreate complex AIs without having to write a single line of code!Behavior Designer was designed from the ground up to be as efficient as possible with zero allocations after initialization. As a result, it runs great on all platforms including mobile. Behavior Designer is dedicated to behavior trees, which means that each update will be a better behavior tree implementation.Documentation | Videos | Samples | Discussions | Discord✔️Features:• An intuitive visual editor• A powerful API• Visual runtime debugger• Variables to communicate between tasks• Conditional Aborts• Built in event system• Use existing code with reflection tasks• Hundreds of tasks• Evaluate tasks using Utility Theory• Realtime error detection• Binary or JSON serialization• Data-oriented design• Zero runtime allocations after startup• Object drawers (property drawers)• Includes runtime source code• Extensive documentation and videos• Sample projects available online• Much more✔️Add-ons:• Behavior Designer for Malbers Animations• Behavior Designer for RPG Builder• Deathmatch AI Kit• Formations Pack• Movement Pack• Tactical Pack✔️Integrations:• 2D Toolkit• A* Pathfinding Project (Movement Pack)• Adventure Creator• Anti-Cheat Toolkit• Blox• Bolt (Visual Scripting)• Camera Path Animator• Cinema Director• Control Freak• Core GameKit• Curvy• Dialogue System• DOTween• Final IK• Inventory Pro• LeanTween• Love/Hate• Master Audio• Mirror• NGUI• Particle Playground• PlayMaker• PolyNav (Movement Pack)• Pool Boss• PoolManager• Pool, Trigger, Constrain Bundle• Quest Machine• Rewired• Sensor Toolkit• Simple Waypoint System• Ultimate Character Controller• Ultimate Inventory System• uScript• uSequencer• Visual Scripting* Some promo screenshots contain tasks from the Movement Pack or third party integrations.
行動ツリーは、AAAスタジオでリアルなAIを作成するために使用されます。 OpsiveのBehavior Designerを使用すると、動作ツリーの力をUnityにもたらすことができます!
Behavior Designerは、プログラマー、アーティスト、デザイナーなど、すべての人のために設計された行動ツリーの実装です。
Behavior Designerは、新しいタスクを簡単に作成できる強力なAPIを備えた直感的なビジュアルエディターを提供します。また、何百ものタスク、PlayMaker統合、および広範なサードパーティ統合が含まれているため、コードを1行も書かなくても複雑なAIを作成できます。
Behavior Designerは、初期化後の割り当てがゼロで可能な限り効率的になるようにゼロから設計されました。その結果、モバイルを含むすべてのプラットフォームで問題なく動作します。 Behavior Designerはビヘイビアツリーに特化しています。つまり、各更新がより適切なビヘイビアツリーの実装になります。
Overview | Documentation | Videos | Samples | Forum | Discord
- もっと
- Formations Pack
- Movement Pack
- Tactical Pack
- 2D Toolkit
- A* Pathfinding Project (Movement Pack)
- Adventure Creator
- Anti-Cheat Toolkit
- Apex Path (Movement Pack)
- Blox
- Bolt (Visual Scripting)
- Camera Path Animator
- Cinema Director
- Control Freak
- Core GameKit
- Curvy
- Dialogue System
- DOTween
- Final IK
- Inventory Pro
- LeanTween
- Love/Hate
- Master Audio
- Mirror
- Particle Playground
- PlayMaker
- PolyNav (Movement Pack)
- Pool Boss
- PoolManager
- Pool, Trigger, Constrain Bundle
- Rewired
- Simple Waypoint System
- Ultimate Character Controller
- uScript
- uSequencer
*一部のプロモーションのスクリーンショットには、Movement Packまたはサードパーティの統合からのタスクが含まれています。
※ アセット説明の日本語翻訳は2020年4月28日時点の内容です。