In game auction house with associated inventory management systemAuction House is an open market for buying and selling digital goods within your game. As the developer you control which items you want your players to be able to trade. Developers will need to create an account on Bitszer website to receive an API code for this asset to work.Auction house is your way to integrate a simple market system into your game.Auction house will work in single player games or multiplayer games, and can be added to any game in 30 minutes. If you decide you don't like the asset, you can remove it with no penalties.Auction house will take care of all your inventory management needs making it simple and easy to change game item names or descriptions.Some of the GUI images used in artwork section are not included with this package. Package comes with GUI for basic auction functionality but does not include assets of the actual auctions themselves. Images shown in the artwork section of auctions in the auction house are there as an example.In very simple and easy steps you can link the Auction House with your Unity 3D app and option to sell goods, buy goods, see user’s own auctions, and the required resources against a certain purchase. The Auction house provide the option to set price of a digital good by user’s own choice. It display the list of similar goods to compare price of a similar products.Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOVQ3PnogsAVisit www.bitszer.com for more information To check out a real time implementation, download Bitszer Battle. Android and IOS both are supported.Google Play:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bitszer.bitszerbattle