Procedural Toolkit is a free, open source procedural generation library for Unity.
Warning: This is a programming toolkit, editor support is limited.
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Buildings |
Chairs |
Low Poly Terrain |
Cellular Automata |
Mazes |
Noise |
Breakout |
Characters |
‣ Mesh primitives: platonic solids, plane, pyramid, prism and others.
‣ Mesh generators and extensions: move, rotate, scale, paint, flip faces.
‣ Random data generators: strings, names, vectors, colors, gradients, palettes, extensions for collections.
‣ Noise generators: perlin, simplex, cubic, value, cellular, white and fractal variants.
‣ Computational geometry algorithms and Vector extensions.
‣ Shader library with signed distance functions and easings.
‣ Texture extensions for drawing.
‣ Gizmos, GL and Debug drawing methods.
‣ Palette and color generators, HSV model helper class.
‣ Utility methods: shuffle, weighted choice, knapsack problem solver.