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Having a good LOD system can speed up your game considerably.
Unity's LOD system is a great start, but with QuickLod, you can get so much more out of your game:
• Very fast LOD system
Smart algorithms and lots of optimizations for minimal performance usage and maximal gain.
• Dynamic mesh streaming:
Only load and keep meshes in memory when they are actually used.
• Component detail levels:
Reduce light quality, disable expensive physics and switch to cheaper materials when objects get further away.
• Lightweigh mesh replacement:
Don't create a gameobject for every level, just replace the mesh in the mesh filter.
• Trigger based culling:
Define exactly under what conditions an object is rendered. Hide the whole interior when the player doesn't look through the window!
• Full source code:
Want to see what happens under the hood? Not happy how something works? You get full access to the source code.
• Exposed API meant for extensions:
Create your own specialized extensions with just a few lines of code.
And a lot more:
- Unlimited lod levels
- Unlimited cameras
- Unlimited objects
- 5 specialized Lod Object types
- Observers as extension to lods
- Many debug options and visuals
- LodObject conversion
- Generic ressource streaming manager
- Generic 3D grid for general purpose
- User input validation
- Compatible with InstantOC
- Exposed properties, methods and events
- Fully documented and commented source code