Lackeys all-animation $5.00 (no ratings) Animation Date Price 日期和时间 价钱($) 03/19(2018) 5.0 11/16(2024) 5.0 Jump AssetStore このアセットの説明 Online Demo -> Click Here! One model (Tris: 954) One texture (256*256) 15 animations General_idle * 3 general_walk * 1 general_run * 1 Battle_idle * 1 battle_attack * 2 battle_skill0 * 2 battle_dodge * 1 battle_wound * 2 battle_death * 2 The 3dsmax .max files are also included in the package, So you can modify the animation by the 3dsmax 2012 and above. All clips support cartoon and realistic style characters.