NG Remote Scene gives you the control of the scene on a device from Unity Editor.
Select any GameObject in NG Remote Hierarchy.
Change anything with NG Remote Inspector to inspect it.
Embed your assets in NG Remote Project to easily drag & drop into the NG Remote Inspector.
Modify any static classes with NG Remote Static Inspector.
Inspect ANYTHING such as GameObject, Component, Material, Shader and more...
You can also invoke any method on any of your Component.
NG Remote Inspector provides a way to dynamically send a Texture2D/Sprite from your Editor and assign them on the fly.
NG Remote Camera gives you the ability to watch the scene on a device from Unity Editor.
Move through your scene as if you were in the Scene window.
Click on the screen to raycast any collider and select the result in NG Remote Hierarchy.
NG Replay watches the last seconds seen from NG Remote Camera and saves it into your disk to replay it again.What else? Replay contains inputs from mouse, keyboard, touch and more.
Want to debug a remote GameObject?
Just drag & drop it from NG Remote Hierarchy to Project.
A prefab will be created from it including any readable Texture2D/Mesh.
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