Animated robot model with 25 animations, 8200 triangles and 1 LOD stageAnimated model with 25 animations, 8200 triangles and 1 LOD stage.Animation list:idle, shoot, walkforward, walkbackward, stepright, stepleft, jump, meleeA, meleeB, shutdown, restart, get hit, death, revive, hit02, idle02, shotFast, ShotFastAround, shotSpray, shutDown2, run,walkShotAround, WalkShotFast, idleAlert, TposeIf you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via email or Discord:Contact email: info@dexsoft-games.comJoin Discord ServerNumber of animations: 25Poly-count: 8200Texture size: 2048 * 2048 pxTexture formats: TGA and PNGAlbedo, Metallic, Normal, AO and emissive maps included. Textures size is 4K.