uProcessing (Processing like MonoBehaviour)
uProcessing is an asset for writing a code like 'Processing' in Unity.
It is designed to use GameObject and component-based mechanisms instead of
using Low Level API extensively.
To use it, just inherit PGraphics class in your script instead of MonoBehaviour, and then you
have new callbacks such as setup() and draw() for your Processing-like coding.
You can still mix them perfectly with other Unity scripts.
NOTE: Only a subset of Processing APIs are available today through this package, also it is not yet heavily optimized.
UnityでProcessingっぽく書けるアセット一式です。 現在移植してある関数は一部で、最適化などはされていません。 LowLevelAPIで描くのではなく、Hierarchyに普通にGameObjectを生成して使う構成なのが特徴です。