Jeremy Burgess
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Date |
Price |
日期和时间 |
价钱($) |
03/19(2018) |
30.0 |
11/15(2024) |
30.0 |
Jump AssetStore
Have you ever gotten to the final stages of developing your game, only to find that you suddenly need to get an additional popup in? Is it frustrating to stop the user's flow while you're performing some progress critical action? Is re-using elements of flow a problem? Then AppFlow is the tool for you! At a bargain price on the Unity asset store there's no reason not to try it today.
Build Flows Visually
AppFlow is fundamentally built on the idea that visually scripting your game's top level flow is the quickest and most comprehensible way to design and maintain the flow of your app. All elements are represented as nodes with simple to understand inputs and outputs. Each node can contain another graph, meaning that flows can be built once and re-used anywhere in your app.
Restructure Quickly
Need to put an interstitial in every 5 times the user progresses through this button? Easy! Want to stick an animation between two UI states, preventing the UI from responding during that time? No problem! Have a complex login and data load flow that needs to precede the user being able to interact with the game? Build it with AppFlow and you can focus on the logic you need to build and not on how it will fit into ad-hoc and confusing links.
Scenes, Prefabs, and Classes
'Out of the box' AppFlow supports binding Scenes, Prefabs and Classes to any node in the state graph. With full source code and a structure designed to be completely pluggable from the beginning you can extend this to support anything at all!