You want to organize your Scene hierarchy properly. But when you create new empty GameObjects on the Scene, you're tired of having to always reset its transform values just after.
The Empty At Zero Creator tool is the solution.
With this tool you can directly create new empty GameObjects with a local position already set at Vector3.zero (x = 0, y = 0, z =0).
There are three different new buttons available :
- An equivalent of the "Create Empty" button named "Create Empty At Zero". It acts like the "Create Empty" method but the new empty GameObject local position stays at (0,0,0).
- Two equivalents of the "Create Empty Child" button named "Create Empty Child At Global Zero" and "Create Empty Child At Local Zero". It acts like "Create Empty Child" method, but the new empty GameObject (global) position or local position stays at (0,0,0), depending the button you clicked (the first one or the second one).
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