The unity primitive sphere is pretty limiting. There are many other ways to create spheres and all have advantages and disadvantages.
Enter the Fibonacci sphere algorithm. This algorithm is possibly the best way to distribute vertices over a sphere in a non-random way.
The algorithm is very easy to implement, but triangulating and UV-mapping the sphere is much harder.
This asset generates such spheres.
NASA makes great Earth textures and I included one in this package to test things with.
The sphere generator contains the following options:
- number of vertices (4 - 60.000 very flexible)
- sphere radius
- fixing uv seams (not necessary when spherically mapping in a shader)
- creating a prefab
Usage: Start a new scene, add the script to an empty game object. Check the script options and run. You can drag the included texture (or any other) to the game object. A prefab will be automatically created if you choose to.