The complete solution to crop simulation. Easily and flexibly create patterns of growth that may span several days or ever just several minutes. Stages allow plants to have dynamic growth patterns, which can range from very slow growth and then rapidly speed up and vis versa and anywhere in between.
Features :--
Dynamic 24 hour cycle - define the length of day to suit your needs.
Simulated time - static functions exist to take the simulated time for use in any other mechanics you may have implemented.
Growth stages - specify each stage of growth length as you see fit.
Growth hours - specify between which hours plants can grow to truly customise crops.
integrated debug display - See the insides of the world and your crops as you tune them.
Future features :--
Harvesting crops
Crops expire
adjustable sun set and rise times.
fertilizer mechanic - either add to growth, or increase the growth.
Seasonal crops (larger scope).
Note: Models are intended as placeholders only.