FastJSON is fast JSON serializer and deserializer.
FastJSON can interconvert an object of C# json text.
-pure C# code
-faster than existing json parser
-many available types (Dictionary, List, HashSet, DateTime, multidimensional array, etc.)
-Hashtable unavailable
-supports PC, Mac, Android, iOS [1]
-supports Unity4, Unity5
[1] There is a possibility that a AOT error occurs by serialization of generic type where new() isn't written. It can be avoided by writing new() specifically.
available types:
-user defined class/struct
-C# primitive types
--int, long, sbyte, short
--uint, ulong, byte, ushort
--float, double
--string ( available json escape characters )
--enum type
--- Serialize available to a string or int. Can be selected.
--- Deserialize available to both of string and int.
--multidimensional array (any dimensions)
--jagged array (any dimensions)
-generic types
--user defined generic class/struct
-unity types
-.NET types