A much more efficient HLAPI replacement for the NetworkTransform. Many feature additions coming very shortly.
+ Custom Messages that allow user data to piggyback on sync ticks, such as weapon fire or object throws
+ Large range of compression levels and options
+ Rewind with full recreation of colliders on gameobjects, including synced children objects.
+ Built-in Network simulation including latency, loss, jitter, and out of order packets
+ Interpolation
+ Variable buffering and numbered packets to reduce Loss/Jitter hitching
+ Automatic interpolation/extrapolation of lost or late frames.
+ EXTREMELY low network usage compared to the UNET NetworkTransform, and much lower than most other networking components
+ Control over nearly every aspect of the packets created and the resulting packet sizes
+ 32 separate child position and rotation elements for turrets, arms, heads, etc
+ Serverside and Clientside Teleporting.