Environment Props
CoolWorks Studio
Date |
Price |
日期和时间 |
价钱($) |
03/19(2018) |
2.99 |
07/29(2019) |
4.99 |
11/09(2024) |
4.99 |
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Set of 35 food and medical environment props with LoD variants.Model and texture assets are compatible with built-in Standard-specular material shader and convertible into HDRP material shader.Set of 35 food and medical environment props with LoD variants.Ideal for any environment and close-ups. All assets are using PBR (specular) shader. Each mesh has custom Albedo, Smoothness, Specular, Normal and Ambient Occlusion maps in 4096 px resolution, ready for any desired downscaling. Meshes are in FBX format.Check it out now in WebGL preview!Contains:3 variants of pizza boxes (open; half-open; closed)3 variants of thai food boxes (open; half-open; closed)6 variants of coffee cups (open and closed)1 coffee cup lid9 variants of medicament packages (open and closed)3 variants of pills bottles3 variants of small pills bottles1 PET bottle5 variants of plastic boxesAll set up for Universal Scriptable Rendering Pipeline (models and textures are backward compatible with Standard–Specular or convertible into HDRP)62 prop textures (4096 x 4096 pixels)Albedo (specular workflow)Ambient OclussionSmoothnessSpecularNormal10 prop meshes (UV mapped) in FBX format3 variants of pizza boxes (open; half-open; closed)396 / 396 / 180 triangles at LoD03 variants of thai food boxes (open; half-open; closed)52 / 172 / 188 triangles at LoD06 variants of coffee cups (open and closed)356 / 548 triangles at LoD01 coffee cup lid540 triangles at LoD09 variants of medicament packages (open and closed)140 / 44 triangles at LoD03 variants of pills bottles796 triangles at LoD03 variants of small pills bottles814 triangles at LoD01 PET bottle2352 triangles at LoD05 variants of plastic boxes636 triangles at LoD0Wooden plank12 triangles at LoD029 URP PBR (specular) materials35 prefabs1 preview scene with camera orbit script and related utility filesAll set up for Universal Scriptable Rendering Pipeline (models and textures are backward compatible with Standard–Specular or convertible into HDRP)