[New] More accurate tracking asset “Dlib FaceLandmark Detector” is now on sale.
Works with Unity Cloud Build
iOS & Android support
Windows10 UWP support
WebGL support
Win & Mac & Linux Standalone support
Preview support in the Editor
This asset requires “OpenCV for Unity”.
This asset is a non-rigid face tracking solution that can model and track the many complex parts of a person’s face in a WebCamTexture all in real-time.
Code is a rewrite of https://github.com/MasteringOpenCV/code/tree/master/Chapter6_NonRigidFaceTracking using “OpenCV for Unity”.
Official Site | ExampleCode | Android Demo | Demo Video
Texture2DFaceTrackerExample - Detect and track a face from a Texture2D, draw points on the face and connections between them.
WebCamTextureFaceTrackerExample - Detect and track a face from a WebCamTexture, draw points on the face and connections between them.
FaceTrackerARExample - Use the tracking points of a face and display an AR Object.
System Requirements
Build Win Standalone & Preview Editor : Windows 8 or later
Build Mac Standalone & Preview Editor : OSX 10.9 or later