For anyone who wants to Build a UI by...
✩ adding objects in a Parent / Child setup to the Scene Hierarchy,
✩ using Rows and Columns to Reposition and Resize children like a table layout might.
✩ test your UI in the GameView, without having to press Play at all.
✩ Create your UI using...
Image, Text, Group, Layout, Camera
✩ Content Size...
All parents auto-fit to every child object in its hierarchy.
✩ Image State support for...
Normal, Pressed, Hover, Focused, Disabled
✩ Image State Mirroring...
Pass the images State to other images / texts. (ex: text color can change when hovering over an image)
✩ Input Handling (w/ Reflection) for...
Mouse, Keyboard, Touch (WIP)
✩ Multiple Input Handling entries can be added from the Inspector...
- Get values from Variables in any Components,
- Alter those values, then
- Set Variables to the new value.
- As well as, Call Functions in any Components and passing in parameters, using values Saved from previous calls.
- Simple operations can be performed All without needing to create a new Script.
WebPlayer Demos:
✩ Win7'ish Desktop
✩ Drag/Drop inside ScrollView
✩ Style switching
✩ Tabbing between windows
✩ etc...
Please post feedback in the Unity Forum. Thank you.
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