Simple yet efficient Dependency Injection for Unity, built on top of Ninject.
For more information check out their site.
Use the power of Dependency Injection to create truly modular code. Dependency Injection is the easiest way to keep your code extensible, changeable and reusable for subsequent projects.
Not sure what Dependency Injection is all about? Fret not, Martin Fowler got you covered!
Unlike other Dependency Injection solutions, this one is non-intrusive and let's you keep using Unity the way you did. Keep your constructorless MonoBehaviours and scene setups and use this solution where it makes sense for you.
Key Features:
+ use the power of Ninject in Unity, developed over multiple years for C# and thoroughly tested
+ easy to integrate in existing projects
+ non-intrusive
+ inject MonoBehaviours
+ powerful Providers, that let you inject prefabs and scriptable objects and are easily extensible
+ Inject into private properties via reflection, don't expose members unnecessarily!
+ it's free
Got an idea how to improve uInject? Just fork the repository on github and make a pull request. After review, everyone will be able to enjoy the new features you implemented!