Polygons Count
Date |
Price |
日期和时间 |
价钱($) |
03/19(2018) |
5.0 |
11/08(2024) |
5.0 |
Jump AssetStore
This easy tool displays the polygons and vertex count for the gameobject or prefab selected in the hierarchy or in the project window.
For everyone who cares for overloading a scene, it is useful to view how heavy is an object before dropping it in the scene.
- Displays the total number of polygons in a prefab and the full hierarchy for a gameobject.
- Supports multi-selection in the hierarchy, and sort the objects by number of polygons
- Supports high number of polygons - will run with your AAA games involving millions of polygons.
- Responsive: You can change the size of the window to show or hide details.
- Optimized to stay active all the time. The tool is disabled in play mode, and consume a minimum of CPU.
- Strongly tested in production on large projects with Unity 4.6 and 5.
C# source code included:
The code is clean and well optimized. You cam view it or edit it to adapt it to a specific need.
How to use:
When this package is installed, simply open the menu Window in Unity editor, and select the item Polygons Count.The tool window can be moved, resized and docked.