Each mesh contains around 2,000 verts and 1,000 tris. All objects have been uv mapped with diffuse textures and normals applied.
Damaged Crates & Barrels offers dozens of variations of broken up, disassembled, burnt, chopped, or otherwise damaged objects. The collection includes an undamaged crate and barrel used as the foundation and 14 variations of damaged objects from each foundation, making a total of 30 unique prefabs for your game.
The demo scene showcases all 30 objects in one gallery where you can walk through and observe each item close-up. Two of the prefabs use the Flames particle effects to demonstrate how you can further extend your library with flaming barrels, smoking crates and so on.
I've also packaged the original Blender Models and Textures into a compressed file for those of you who would like to expand upon my garbled collection. Note: This is a bonus for anyone already proficient with Blender. Otherwise, the Prefabs are ready to use straight out of the box.