Efficient, realistic buoyancy simulation. Quickly define an area where rigidbodies with colliders will behave as if they are in a liquid. Many options. Lots of exposed statistics and forces.Website - WebGL Demo - ForumEfficiently float rigidbodies on animated surfaces. Integrate your gameplay with convenient events and options.Multithreaded.Surface area and rotational velocity aware.Optional simulation of drafting.Optional simulation of lift forces (common on wing shaped objects).Events for: First touch, full exit, center enter, center exit.Tracks CPU mesh/skinned mesh deformations.Live swap water meshes for infinite space.Very low memory allocations.Track special objects' depth without affecting them.Sleep objects based on distance from an observer.Buoyancy and viscosity affect only underwater portions of objects.Directional "flow" force.Full sourceSee website for the API.No per-object components needed.Handles thousands of objects on a modern cpu, hundreds on mobile devices.Works on all platforms.