UExt: The Options is the first part of the UExt series in which I try to extend Unity's functionality with 'basic' tools like The Options.
It takes good use of the Open Source SharpConfig project trough it is a qualitative Unity editor for it. You don't have to write your own options manager / serializer codes anymore!
With UExt: The Options, you have a pretty solid save game & options manager. You can specify your config file's name, path and even if you want it to be binary, you can do it!
The system can also handle Unity's built-in PlayerPrefs, so you can edit and view your options in an elegant way.
The editor uses ScriptableObject, so if you're looking for learning material about the use of this magical class, you can find it in this documented system.
I already have months put into this project -because this is a learning curve for me to reach my own big game project- and I'm willing to put more into it.
Therefore I'm accepting any kind of criticism & suggestion to improve!
Have Happy Hours with UExt: The Options! :)