Soundtracks in the good quality in Dark Action style.
Post-Apocalyptic world... World after nuclear war, arctic ice melting, fatal disease, zombie apocalypse, and so on … How would it look like?
One thing we can be sure: it would be dangerous, dark place, where you must became a predator not to be eaten by others.
Format: mp3, ogg, wav
Pack includes:
1. Mad Road (2:29)
2. Night Hunters (1:54)
3. Not Friendly (1:12)
4. Rush I loop (0:22)
5. Rush II loop (0:18). v.2 (0:36)
6. Through the Dark (2:02)
7. Remember New World (1:23)
8. Lost World (2:17)
As bonus - Pursuit of the Death (3:04)