Tested on Unity 5.2.0f1
This asset provides additional (missing) uGUI elements.
All elements are fully customizable.
Demo scenes included.
♦ ComboBox
- Accessible via "GameObject/UI/ComboBox" menu
- List of items will be displayed above the ComboBox, if bottom screen side is too close
- Can be disabled
- Configurable amount of elements to display
- First element may be hidden
- May be configured as multiselect ComboBox
- Items may contain icons and captions
- Items may be selected by default
- Items may be disabled
- Each item has OnSelect event
- ComboBox has OnSelect event
♦ Multiselect
- This is a ComboBox option
- Configurable caption for multiple selected items
♦ Joystick
- Accessible via "GameObject/UI/Joystick" menu
- Round, square, horizontal and vertical types
- Possibility to create very own joystick types
- Configurable initial handle position
- Configurable auto return speed
- Optional dead zone radius around initial handle position
- Optional dead zone magnet