Modular Build Engine (MBE) provides a seamless fortress building solution comparable to the major league survival type games on the market. Whether you use the basic, default settings and prefabs to get started in minutes or take the time to modify the engine to fit your needs, MBE is designed to be flexible and easy to use.
MBE comes with everything required to function including FBX models, prefabs, icons, a build menu, and integration with other popular assets such as UFPS.
Almost every line of code is commented and a detailed manual is included in this package so you can understand exactly how everything works, how to modify the code, and how to integrate with other assets. Even now we are working to improve MBE, and most of all we look forward to providing developers with an incredibly useful, easy to use fortress building system.
The JS version will be located in the 'Other' folder and is in a .UnityAsset file to import it just double click.
If you haven't already, be sure and pick up UFPS HERE , the best First Person Shooter platform on the market!
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Modular Building Engine Demo
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