This package contains the AssetBundle Manager and a series of Simple Example Scenes to help understand how to use the AssetBundle Manager.
AssetBundles allow on demand streaming and loading of Assets from a local or remote location. With AssetBundles, Assets can be stored remotely and accessed as needed, increasing the flexibility of the project and reducing the initial application size.
The AssetBundle Manager provides a High-level API for a massively improved workflow compared to manipulating AssetBundles directly with the foundation Low-level API.
The AssetBundle Manager helps manage the key steps in building, testing and using AssetBundles. The key features provided by the AssetBundle Manager are:
• Asset Dependency Management including AssetBundle Manifests that keep track of every AssetBundle and all of their dependencies. Assets Dependencies are handled automatically by the AssetBundle Manager. With AssetBundle Manifests it is possible to query all AssetBundles and their dependencies.
• An AssetBundle Simulation Mode, which allows for iterative testing of AssetBundles in a the Unity editor without ever building an AssetBundle.
• A Local AssetBundle Server allowing easy local testing of built AssetBundles in the editor and locally deployed applications, including mobile.
• A quick menu item to Build AssetBundles to work seamlessly with the Local AssetBundle Server.
In addition to the AssetBundle Manager, this package has a series of Scenes and accompanying Assets which help show how to use the AssetBundle Manager. These can be used with this tutorial on AssetBundles and the AssetBundle Manager on the Unity Learn site for a more in-depth explanation.