This is a 3d model and animations of Bald eagle.This is a 3d model and animations of Bald eagle.WebGL demo-Anim_Eagle.FBX contains animations. (JSBirds/BaldEagle/Animations/NewAnimations/Anim_Eagle)-NewBaldEagleSuperHighPoly.FBX is a high poly model. (JSBirds/BaldEagle/Models/NewModel/NewBaldEagleSuperHighPoly)-Bones count:227-The z-axis of the root node is the forward direction as usual.-Feather's mesh is one sided.Hence double sided shader is used to feather's material.-Mesh size:Anim_Eagle:4364trisNewBaldEagleSuperHighPoly:65534+16358=81892tris-Texture sizeAnim_Eagle's bodyalbedo, normal:4096x4096Anim_Eagle's featheralbedo:2048x2048normal:4096x4096NewBaldEagleSuperHighPoly's bodyalbedo, normal:4096x4096NewBaldEagleSuperHighPoly's featheralbedo, normal:4096x4096-The name of the animations are listed on the screen shots.-Upgradeable to 7 birds packfor more informationThe following is a description of the old model.Old model's bone structures are different from the new model. Therefore it can not share animation with new model.Read meThis package is used in Lands Afar.-Texture sizeBakedBaldEagleAlbedo, Normal, Height:4096x4096BakedBaldEagleFeatherAlbedo:2048x2048Normal:4096x4096Mesh sizeLOD0:18772 trisLOD1:4466 trisThis model have 272 bones.These high bone count may affects usability.However these bones are needed to reproduce the realistic wing folding animation and bending of the flight feathers.Each flight feather have two bones.-Animations folder contains animation's fbx files.16 fbx files are contained.102 animations are contained.Number of textures:19Texture dimensions:512-4192Polygon count ofBaldEagleLOD1: 4439Verts, 4486TrisBaldEagleLOD0:16582Verts 18772TrisNewBaldeagleSuperHighPolyMorpher2MultiUV: 234635Verts, 329256TrisNumber of meshes:7Rigging: YesAnimation count:103 for old rig124 for new rigUV mapping: Yes