This realistic rain storm is a collection of effects to create a highly realistic, atmospheric thunder storm.
The rain particle effects consist of a dense downpour of rain along with ground splashes and puddle ripples. Simply drop the effect into your scene.
The lightning is scripted to be completely random so the lightning bolt's size, timing, duration, animation and location are never the same. The light direction from the bolt flashes is accurately simulated too.
Sound effects are also supplied, including the rain and different thunder claps (these are also scripted for variation on type and volume).
A large collection of assets that make up the demonstration scene are also included, consisting of tile-able road pieces (straight, curved, crossroads, crossing, etc) and lamp posts, along with the night sky with animating clouds.
Additional effects such as smaller separate splashes to put on top of scene objects are also supplied.
New to version 1.5 is "heavy rain", an alternative version of the rain, ideally suited to VR.
For a great complimentary effect, also consider downloading the Camera Lens Rain.