ClimberAI is a raycast based solution for wall-climbing AI written in C#.
The script can make any object walk on all kind of surfaces.
The AI will change his direction and orientation by checking his surrounding at runtime.
The AI can attack a given target point by jumping.
This solution is, for example, perfect for NPCs insects, such as spiders wandering around.
You can customize it to suit your needs, and create unpredictable and hostile AI objects.
Example Scene+AI prefab, and Documentation file included.
Features :
> Easily customizable, with commented variables in the script
> No rigidbodies required
> No pathfinding required
> Layer Masks : Blocking Layers / Walkable Layers
> Simple attack and damage system
> Works on all kind of colliders
Setup :
- Drag the example prefab "Spider" on the scene, above a walkable collider
- Assign a target
- Press Play