RGB, HSV and HSL color picker
This asset contains components that you can use to create a color picker tailored to your needs. These components work with Unity UI (Also known as ugui) It contains:
* sliders (including changing backgrounds)
* Eyedropper/pipette (including preview)
* Input field
* Hex Field
* Circle
* Box
* New in 1.0.5 input field using TextMeshPRO
* New in 1.0.5 Hexfield using TextMeshPRO
All of which can be edited in the inspector or through code, both in edit and at runtime.
This Color picker works with vertice colors instead of textures for the background gradients. As a result it is much faster compared to colorpickers that take up valuable cpu time to update large textures.
If you don't want to create your own ColorPicker, a default colorpicker and demo scenes are included. (see screenshots and demo),
When creating your own colorpicker, all the various components can be added using menu items, resulting in a fast and easy workflow.
Demo (WebGL)
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