Signal Communications Pack - Radio and Morse
Shawn Edwards
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Date |
Price |
日期和时间 |
价钱($) |
03/19(2018) |
30.0 |
05/15(2018) |
21.0 |
05/15(2018) |
30.0 |
12/02(2019) |
15.0 |
12/15(2019) |
30.0 |
11/08(2024) |
30.0 |
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The Signal Communications Packs are intended to provide developers with a real-world communications experience for their games by providing access to realistic means of communication. This pack--Radio and Morse--provides access to a transceiver, a radio broadcast station and either a manual or automated Morse code emitter.
New with 1.1.2
Added a radio wave visualizer that allows you to see the range of your radio transmitter in both design and play modes. The demo scene has an example of its usage.
New with 1.1.0
- Morse Decoder: Your radios can now decode any Morse they receive on a channel.
- Iambic paddle: You can now select to send Morse using either a straight key or an iambic paddle (uses two keys, buttons, etc.).
- Frequency jamming zones: Transmitters and receivers can now be jammed by entering the triggers of objects containing a JammingZone component.
- Loss-of-signal zones: (Pro-only feature) - Transmitters and/or receivers now react to triggers of objects containing an LOSZone component. These zones add an extra value on top of the existing high-pass filter falloff.
Radio broadcast component
- Accurate frequency band designations and limits.
- Most amateur radio bands are included (from 160 meters to 23cm and above--from 2300MHz to >275GHz).
--- Other bands include Civilian Band (CB), Family Radio Service (FRS), Multi-Use Radio Service (MURS), and Wireless Medical Telemetry Service (WMTS).
--- Frequencies are limited to the actual ranges specified for each band designation.
--- Power adjustments can be made via a "Max Effective Range" property.
- Acts as a transmitter and / or receiver for all radio traffic including Morse code, radio station broadcasts and voice from the user's microphone.
- Applies a high-pass filter that adds a falloff-like distortion with distance and / or channel variance. For example, each transmitter has a maximum effective range. As you move further away from the transmitter, your reception will get worse and worse until you can no longer pick up the station. Similarly, the further you move your receiver's channel from the transmitter's channel, the more distortion you will get until you can no longer hear the transmission.
Please note that the high-pass filter feature is only available in Unity Pro in versions below 5.6.
- Supports any input management software, including the standard Unity input manager.
--- Uses UnityEvents for applying property value changes so that you can use whatever input manager that you want (a default script is provided).
Radio Station component
- In-game radio stations: Broadcasts .ogg audio files from any URL (http://, file://, etc.) on a specified frequency. Just like in the real world, any receiver that tunes to that frequency can hear the broadcast.
- Adjustable-sized download queue: This allows the user to specify the number of audio files to pre-download for broadcast. By doing this, there is no delay between one track and the next.
- Configurable playlist:
--- Repeat and shuffle options.
--- An event hook is supplied so that the player can trigger a track skip.
--- Changing the playlist size at run-time triggers a playlist re-shuffle (if shuffle is selected).
- Chunk broadcasting: The radio station doesn't broadcast the downloaded stream as one large AudioClip object. Instead, the AudioClip is divided up into adjustable-sized chunks at a specified interval and then transmitted. Doing this allows the AudioSources to be responsive to changes in broadcast status (on / off), frequency changes, etc.
Morse code emitter components
- Supports manual or automated Morse code generation in the form of an audible tone, a flashing light or material color, a radio broadcast, or a combination of audible / radio + visual (light or material color).
- The automated Morse code generator supports the following:
--- Live adjustment of WPM value.
--- Calculation of WPM using either the PARIS or CODEX methods.
--- Broadcasting of text messages using all standard English Morse code characters, non-English characters (following the ITU standard) and prosign.
--- Adjustable delay between message broadcasts.
--- Repeating of messages either a set number of times or infinitely.
--- Adjustable sample rate and frequency for tone generation.
Tested Unity versions:
Windows 10 64-bit
5.3.0, 5.3.1
For more information, please visit the forum.