Terrain Serializer is a lightweight script that lets you Save/Load Unity's Terrain at runtime.
You can use it to save few hours of work/ headache, or to learn how to serialize and interact with terrain data. The codes are kept simple and can be easily modified/extended/integrated.
Documentation - Support forum
* Save/Load Tree Instances
* Save/Load HeightMap
* Save/Load AlphaMap
* Save/Load DetailMap
* Save/Load Terrain (All the maps/tree data)
* Serialize/Deserialize at both runtime/editor
* Source code included
Terrain Serializer does not serialize meshes(tree etc), textures(grounds etc) etc.
That means, for example, if sand ground texture is replaced by mud texture on the terrain editor, mud will appear in place of sand when the terrain is deserialized.
Terrain Serializer does not create new Terrain. It applies serialized data(maps, trees and detail positions,size, etc) to the existing terrain.
It can completely restore a terrain given that the terrain has the same set of brushes(trees, details etc)
Example Usage
To serialize Terrain, call
TerrainSerializer.Save( filePath, terrain );
To deserialize Terrain, call
TerrainSerializer.Load( filePath, terrain);
Each map/tree data can be individually serialized/deserialized if desired.
For more methods and information, please refer to the documentation.
Please feel free to ask questions or request new features.
Tested and works on Unity 5.3 and 2017