Grumble Labs presents Chiptune Rock Pack 1
a collection of 4 pieces of music that each contain 3 mutation layers:
-Hard Rock with Chiptune Sounds
-Chiptune Sounds
-Light Synth Sounds
Listen to clips from the various layers of each song at the YouTube Link below.
Each layer is usable as a piece of music by itself or in a morphable configuration by playing different mutation layers in parallel and fading in and out between them depending on game conditions (easily done using the free Grumble Labs Adaptive Music Player on the Asset Store).
Included are both versions that require a slight overlap on loop for completely seamless transitions (implemented automatically with the Grumble Labs Adaptive Music Player) and versions that loop directly on the beat, which are more suitable for music player solutions that don't allow for looping overlaps.
Visit for a complete listing of our music on the Asset Store.