This package presents a Balls Destroying Game Template. Made according to specialized Code Style and a SOLID design patterns. Game process is shown in the attached video. Implemented various features:
* Custom Data Encipher(for encripting, decripting, saving/loading files data)
* IOManager(Read/Write binary and xml files)
* Localization Manager
* Directory Util(For Unity_Editor and Android platform)
* UI Panels Manager(For Manager UI GameObject Panels in game scenes)
* Custom Timer Extension(Used for start any actions after timeout and etc)
* Layout Slide Roll Extension(Implements a Roll with Bonuses in the main game scene in a game process)
* Ball component
* Balls sprite destroy animation
* Bonus component
* Different game modes creation. For example this package contains a Debug(InGame) Mode with Localization(EN, RU) and Settings(Choose language and on/off sound)
* Bonus Manager(For manage in game bonuses - "Spawn one row" and "Revert last step"
* Game Grid functionality
* Game Score functionality
* Main Menu with Localization(EN, RU) and Settings(Choose language and on/off sound)
Full source code and installation manual is attached