IMPORTANT: The UMod Exporter is now obsolete and is not required by uMod 2.4 and newer. This package will remain available for download for compatibility with older uMod versions but will not be updated or maintained anymore.
uMod Exporter 2.0 is a free tool that is used in conjunction with uMod 2.0 and allows Unity assets to be converted into a mod format which is loadable at runtime. This tool is intended to be used by modders in order to create mods for games that make use of uMod 2.0.
uMod 2.0 can be found here.
Supported platforms
Supports PC, Mac and Linux platforms only
Want to know more about uMod 2.0? Take a look at the following links:
Website | Documentation | Script Reference
Need help with uMod 2.0, found a bug or simply have a question? Let us know via one of the methods below:
Forum | Support | Feature Request | Bug Report