Voxelab - Complete Edition is a real time procedural Meshing solution based on voxels. Use one of the three meshing method available to extract your custom isosurface. Modify in real time your boundless world.
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Features :
Voxels Meshing :
- Dual Contouring is fast, faithful to the shape and conserve sharp features. To approximate you can use the common QEF or schmitz's based on particle method.
- Marching Cubes is one of the oldest and most renown technique. It is a fast method on which D.C. is based upon.
- Boxel is the basic representation of voxels by cubes. Easy to understand and perfect to start learning about voxel meshing.
- Multithreading to get the best performance out of your multi-core CPU.
Chunk Management :
- The world is divided into chunks to manage the work load and create a bounded or infinite world.
- Chunk pool to avoid in-game instantiation by recycling chunks.
- Frustrum culling available with a work priority.
- Finite State Machine to know exactly at which state in the meshing pipeline the chunk is.
Triplanar Shaders :
- Allow to shade your meshes up to three textures on three axes without the need of setting UVs. Based on world's or object's normals, for a total of 18 shaders. It is perfect for procedural worlds and large terrains.
- Diffuse, Specular, Bump, Emission, Parallax, Opacity blending and Rim Lighting.
- Custom editor Shader UI to easely set your shaders' options.
Learning Tools :
- Fully available and docummented code in C#.
- Free tutorials (in English and French) and online documentation on voxelab.fr .
- C# hierarchy and patternes to create your own iso-surface and modify them with constructive solid geometry. Simplexe noise, height map, cube, sphere and planes included.
This package is a framework destined to developers. It is made in Unity (Free version) for Windows, Mac and Linux platforms. Every assets in the demonstration scene are included.
Just looking for some features ? Try the Meshing Scripts and Triplanar Shaders packages.